Thursday, March 12, 2009

Waltz with ambivalence

I just saw the recent Israeli movie "Waltz with Bashir," a documentary done in animation about a veteran of the 1982 Lebanon War trying to recover his disassociated memories about the Sabra - Shatila Refugee Camp massacre. It is one of the best (i.e. most effective) anti-war movies I have ever seen. It also captures the ambivalence in Israeli culture created by the unshakable commitment to remembering the Holocaust and ensuring it never happens again clashing with the terrible horrors of war inflicted by Israel on innocent civilians when fighting against its enemies. If you don't mind subtitles, go see it. Be forewarned, however, that its "R" rating is well deserved as it has graphic violence, language and sex.

The movie pre-dated the recent Gaza War but serves as a powerful response to it (or any war). I had a lot to say about the Gaza War as it unfolded. I don't take any of it back. But after seeing "Bashir," I too find myself deeply ambivalent and no longer so willing to comment on wars especially not to defend them.


  1. Jon, my 15 year old, is determined to join the military. I'm not enthused about it, but I know that ultimately it is his choice. Nevertheless, when we were in Israel last summer I took him to see the movie. I called in advance to make sure that they have subtitles in English, but sure enough, there were none. So I ended up whispering the whole movie into his ear. I thought it was an excellent movie, and a great one to show young people who view war with excitement.

  2. I plan on seeing this animated movie. All that I have left is the ambivalence. Bob G.
