Friday, July 16, 2010

Save Israel's Democracy: Stop the Rotem Conversion Bill Now

This past Sunday, an Israeli Knesset committee voted to move forward a bill that gives the Orthodox Chief Rabbinate authority over conversions to Judaism and the authority to accept or reject conversions - even if performed in the United States or elsewhere outside Israel (the bill is sponsored by MK David Rotem).  This is a threat to Israeli democracy and pluralism and a threat to the rights and legal standing of non-Orthodox Jews in Israel.  Read this article from Haaretz newspaper about the bill "The Conversion Bill Demystified."  The final paragraph is especially relevant:
What are Reform and Conservative Rabbis afraid of?  They are concerned that for the first time, Israeli law is giving the Chief Rabbinate authority over conversion.  The rabbinate does not have that power today.  They are also concerned by the bill's statements that conversion will be recognized only if the convert, 'accepted Torah and the commandments in accordance with halakha.' This unprecedented stipulation excludes Conservative and Reform communities.
The Union for Reform Judaism's website has a statement on the bill, news and resources from other websites and links for action.  It is especially important that we voice our opposition and encourage Prime Minister Netanyahu to stop the bill (he has already frozen it from further advancement, it's time to kill it.)  Sign the online petition here and see the text of a letter you can send to PM Netanyahu here.

We are not alone on this. The Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist movements have all declared their opposition.  So has the American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Federation, the Jewish Agency and many other Jewish organizations.

1 comment:

  1. The (Orthodox) Rabbinical Council of America has an excellent statement regarding this conversation. Res ipsa loquitur
