Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pink Floyd is off my play list

I'll let this posting from Ron Kehrmann speak for itself.  He wrote "An Open Letter to Pink Floyd Lead Singer Roger Waters: Condemn this Brutal Massacre."
You joined the cultural boycott against Israel two weeks ago. Since last Friday I have been looking for your condemnation of the brutal murder of the Fogel family -- three children, their mother and father -- in Itamar in the West Bank. This atrocity should be condemned by decent people everywhere, no matter their political beliefs.
   My daughter, Tal Kehrmann, was killed by a Hamas terrorist on March 5, 2003, on a bus on her way home from school, along with 16 other innocent children and adults. Tal was 17. She loved music and knew the words to all the popular songs, Hebrew and English.
   But we shouldn't need to have personally experienced such a tragedy to be outraged by senseless, brutal murders of innocents -- and to condemn these acts.
   In your letter announcing your decision to boycott my country you emphasize your belief "that all people deserve basic human rights." So did the Fogel family. I am sorry to conclude, Mr. Waters, that your decision, based on misinformation and propaganda, is biased, one-sided and contrary to the facts.
Follow the link above to read the whole letter.


  1. Thanks for sharing. We need to universally condemn violence

  2. Probably you can put them back on your play list, as long as you already own the music, or only buy stuff from Momentary Lapse of Reason on (an admittedly small group -- two albums). Here's the Talmudic logic: Roger Waters long ago separated from Pink Floyd. So his only direct connection is royalties for pre-Momentary Lapse albums. So you can listen without him profiting in any way.
